Prince Jackson: Grandmother was misguided

26th July 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Prince Jackson has revealed his frustration at how some of his family members "misguided" his grandmother Katherine.

The 82-year-old matriarch has been at the centre of a series of family dramas over the past week after being reported missing last weekend. She has since lost custody of her three grandchildren Prince, Paris and Blanket.

Earlier this week, police were called to the home where the children live. It's been claimed Michael's siblings Janet, Jermaine and Randy stormed the property, with Janet accused of shouting at Paris.

Prince, 15, has taken to Twitter to reveal how certain family members have reportedly manipulated the situation and "denied" them contact to their grandmother.

"I would first like to start off this tweet by thanking the fans that have always stood by me and my family, my dad really appreciated your support and I still treasure it to this day. As I am sure everyone is well aware of the events that have been going on. I have been holding off on backing up my sister and her tweets avidly because I was waiting for the time to reveal my side," he wrote.

"As long as I can remember my dad had repeatedly warned me of certain people and their ways. Although I am happy my grandma was returned, after speaking with her I realized how misguided and how badly she was lied to. I'm really angry and hurt. The following image is of a group chat I had started to several family members.

"This group text message I had started was replied to but they didn't know that I could see the responses. For this whole time, they denied us contact to our grandmother (sic)."

In the text message Prince wrote: "This is enough so I am texting you for the simple fact that WE DEMAND TO SPEAK TO MY GRANDMA NOW!!!" before a reply from "Janet Jackson" read: "Don't let them pls (sic)."

Katherine's return to Los Angeles is the latest development in the Jackson family crisis surrounding Michael Jackson's will and the welfare of his three children. (C) Cover Media
