Priyanka and Sonam back Sonakshi

11th September 2015

Sonakshi Sinha replies to the twitter trolls with her witty tweets. The actress, who got slammed for tweeting about meat ban gave it back to the criticizers like she does every time.

For her strong reply her contemporaries Sonam Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra praised her on twitter.

Priyanka tweeted,"People hide behind wt they want the world 2 see them as cause it's easier!Standing up for urself takes OVERIES!Go @sonakshisinha #TweetTweak"

While Sonam also supported her through her tweet, "I'I'm super proud of @sonakshisinha for having the courage to have an opinion and not backing down.. #whattagirl #wearyourcourage #bulliessuck"

Sonakshi had called our nation BAN-istan in one of the tweets ridiculing the govt. to concentrate on much important issues than imposing worthless bans.  

Tags: Priyanka Chopra, Sonam Kapoor, Sonakshi Sinha,