Propofol everywhere in Jackson's body

7th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Michael Jackson's toxicologist confirms that he found a medley of drugs in the star's system.

Dr. Conrad Murray has been accused of administering a lethal dosage of Propofol to Jackson in June 2009 which resulted in the singer's death.

Toxicologist Dan Anderson took the stand yesterday to testify in the court case against Murray.

Anderson said that he found small amounts of Propofol in Jackson's stomach in a post mortem examination.

The Propofol that Anderson found in Jackson's belly was so miniscule, it was the equivalent to a few specks of sugar.

Propofol was not just found in Jackson's stomach. According to Anderson of all the eight specimens taken from different areas of Jackson's body including his blood, urine and liver, all tested positive for Propofol.

Other pharmaceutical drugs were found in Jackson's system, including Lidocaine, Valium, Lorazepam and Ephedrine.

Jackson did not test positive for any illegal drugs.

Authorities have ruled the Jackson died from an overdose of a lethal combination of Propofol and the sedative Lorazepam.

Murray has admitted to giving Jackson an injection of the drug to aid the star's sleep the day of his death.

The defence team is trying to prove that Jackson's death was the outcome of a self-administered Propofol overdose. Defence attorneys allege that Jackson administered an extra dosage of the drug to himself after Murray left the bedroom momentarily. Propofol is a powerful anaesthetic usually used to put surgery patients to sleep.

Murray is expected to take the stand in his defence this week. He is on trial for involuntary manslaughter but has denied the allegations.

The trial continues. (C) Cover Media
