Quincy Jones: Jackson friendship wasn't poisoned

2nd February 2012

Quincy Jones decided to forgive Michael Jackson because he didn't want the "poison to take hold".

The legendary record producer worked with the late pop superstar on his albums Off the Wall, Thriller and Bad. However, their working relationship became strained after they disagreed on several things. While making the Thriller album, Quincy believed Billie Jean was too weak to feature on the track listing but Michael insisted on keeping it.

It has also been reported that Michael began to feel Quincy was too possessive, while Quincy believed Michael was becoming too demanding.

Quincy insists he resolved his differences with Michael before his death in 2009 and he has nothing but good things to say about the late singer.

"You know, I always deal in forgiveness and I'd forgiven Michael a long time before he died. We did some amazing work together, produced some remarkable, special records, and you can never forget that. You shouldn't," he told the March edition of GQ. "I forgive people because I expect people to do the same with me. If you don't forgive then it's a poison, and it eats you up and takes hold of you."

Quincy has fond memories of collaborating with Michael. The 78-year-old music mogul is happy to have shared so many good times with the star.

"Me and Michael had some amazing times together, unforgettable times," he smiled.

Tags: Michael Jackson,