Revealed: Jacqueline's secret to her super hot bod

24th May 2013

While Jacqueline Fernandez has been blessed with one of the best bodies in B-Town, the actress has recently taken up Yoga and embraced it as a lifestyle, practicing it for an hour about 5 days a week.

Reveals a source close to the actress, "Jackie's workout regime starts with a light warm-up and about 20 rounds of Surya Namaskar. She also includes other asanas like Vrikshasana, Utkatasana, Poorna Halasana, Kapalbhati Kriya and Anulom Vilom in her regime."

Says Jacqueline, "I am not using it for weight loss, but toning, muscle building and strength."

The actress believes in a simple yet healthy diet and swears by her dose of fresh fruits, salads and green tea.

Adds the source, "Her day starts with warm water with lime and honey, raw fruits and boiled or scrambled eggs. She prefers having a vegan lunch full of salads, lentils and brown rice while dinner consists of grilled fish and veggies. According to her, the body needs the right amount of carbs, fats and proteins for it to be healthy and fit. But one thing that Jacqueline totally avoids is sugar, indulging in her cravings only once in a while."

Tags: Jacqueline Fernandez,