Rihanna: Im not a puppet

8th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Rihanna does not want to live her life like a puppet.

The 22-year-old charismatic pop singer has spoken out about her zest for life and admitted her worst fear is being controlled by other people instead of fulfilling her own dreams.

The beauty, who was born in Barbados, is adamant that making decisions to please other people is a waste of precious time.

"At the end of the day, who the f**k am I living for? She asked British newspaper The Sun. It's me, 30 years from now I want to look back and say I really enjoyed it, and lived it to the fullest of my expectations, not like a puppet."

She was speaking after the death of her native islands Prime Minister David Thompson who recently lost his fight with pancreatic cancer.

Even though the fashion diva had a busy working schedule and appointments to attend in the UK, she made a 48-hour round trip home to pay her respects at his funeral.

But the star admitted that although she thought more celebrities should get involved in serious subject matters, she finds politics a bit overwhelming at the moment.

"I'm not good at the politics side at the moment. It terrifies me because I am so young.

"But maybe one day in years, decades from now, I'll get involved. I think more pop stars should care about their country and how it's run,"

she said. (C) Cover Media
