Rihanna is smart' star

7th January 2012

Rihanna, Beyonc Knowles and Lady Gaga are "smart" women who would "never mess" with Miss Piggy.

The pink puppet is known for her demanding nature. Although she likes to get her own way, Miss Piggy insists there is room in showbiz for many different women. She cites Rihanna, Gaga and Beyonc as three artists she particularly admires.

"Oh that's silly! We divas are BFFS! Oh sure, we may be demanding, outrageous and inexplicably difficult to others, but diva-to-diva we're as close as an air kiss. I feel absolutely no threat from Ri, Bey or Ga. Besides, they're smart and talented ladies; they know better than to mess with moi," she told Q magazine.

Miss Piggy went on to discuss what she loves about being in the entertainment business. While she knows many think earning a high wage would be the best part of the job, she isn't interested in cash.

"Moi does not worry about money. I just assume it will be there to pay for whatever I wish to do," she explained. "After all, having money isn't what's important; spending money is. And I mastered that art a long time ago, sweetheart."

Tags: Beyonce Knowles, Rihanna,