Sandra Bullock: Oscars are sexy

27th February 2012

Sandra Bullock felt like she was "having sexy time" at last night's Oscars.

The stunning 47-year-old actress was elated to be part of the glamorous celebration at the 84th Annual Academy Awards.

Sandra was enlivened by the spirit of the ceremony.

"I'm having such a good time tonight," Sandra gushed to ABC on the red carpet. "It's called sexy time. We're having sexy time tonight. Everything we're doing is going to be sexy."

Sandra glowed in a backless black and white Marchesa gown at the luxurious affair. Picking the perfect dress for this annual event is a circular experience for the actress.

"You find one [dress] and then you make your way through others, and you usually make your way back to your original choice," Sandra explained. "That's what happened."

Sandra's film Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close didn't win the coveted best picture prize this year. Despite the loss the star remains incredibly proud of the feature.

"The book was extraordinary," Sandra gushed. "And to see it through a child's point of view is so completely [different] than an adult's point of view because they know so little and they want to know so much that we can't possibly answer. I liked the challenge of it. I thought it was beautiful."

Tags: Sandra Bullock,