Seal: Honesty is necessary

6th July 2012

Seal believes that he "owes it to the public to speak up."

German supermodel Heidi Klum split from the singer back in January after seven years of wedded bliss.

Seal was vocal about the painful experience throughout the breakup and he doesn't regret his candour.

"When you live your private life in public, and things aren't necessarily as rosy as people think, you owe it to the public to speak up," he told USA Today.

Seal appreciates the support he received from fans throughout this difficult time period.

"There were people who were genuinely upset that what they thought was perfect was no longer," the star shared. "I'm in an excellent place right now. In a situation like this, your priority is the children. As long as the children are happy, I'm happy."

Seal wishes he could impress his four children with Heidi as much as he does his fans.

"They're a tough crowd," he laughed. "They don't like about 90% of what I do. Of course, that makes the other 10% really special."

Tags: Heidi Klum,