Seema urges to bring in change

19th April 2011

In a stereotypical industry like Bollywood, where romantic comedies, with the same plot, still run successfully with every renewed film, it's difficult to break the pattern and the ones who try to bring in the change have to live with doubts over acceptance. The film,'Queens! Destiny of Dance' is trying to handle a topic that is still considered taboo in Bollywood. The topic of'Transgenders', the ones who live a side-lined life, are often shown in a bad light in many of the films, they are either shown in a negative light or are taken as an element of comedy in the film. But the reality of their life is still something that is unexplored.

With the movie'Queens! Destiny of Dance', Seema Biswas, one of the stars in the film, urges people to bring about the change, as its high time we accept reality. On narrating the experience of working with real-life eunuchs, Seema Biswas adds, "It has been a brilliant experience working with whole team. They all are full of life and so pure at heart. The film is a kind of message to society, that it's time to change; they should be accepted and not neglected, because they are also humans. I hope my loving Bollywood fraternity, my respected colleagues and my audience will accept this film with an open mind and heart."

The film tries to narrate the untold story of transgenders and their life, facing very challenging phases throughout. �The movie is slated for release on the 29th of April, 2011.

Tags: Seema Biswas, Queen's! Destiny Of Dance,