Selena Gomez: I feel like a vampire

27th June 2012

Selena Gomez can "relate" to vampires.

The 19-year-old actress lends her voice to supernatural bloodsucker Mavis in Hotel Transylvania. In the animated family comedy Dracula, portrayed by Adam Sandler, tries to protect his teenage daughter Mavis from a boy who falls in love with her.

Selena really identifies with Mavis' circumstances.

"I relate to that in a way because I travel with my parents to most places I go," Selena told E! Online. "I'm only in different countries and different parts of the world for less than 48 hours. I don't get to actually see the places when I tour."

The star would like to party around the world with friends.

"I want to be able to go out and take a cross-country trip with just my friends, on my own without any obligations would be nice," Selena said.

"I've never done that before."

Hotel Transylvania will be released this fall.

Tags: Selena Gomez,