Sir Elton John: Not Welcomed In U.S For Being A Gay

25th January 2011

January 25, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): What can be said about a man whom the world hails as one of its favourite singers and has ranked him at the heights not once or twice, but consecutively for years altogether? A fantastic singer! Sir Elton John, is the man. But this man says that despite his success, he is not welcomed with heart in the American continent, just because he is a gay!

Elton John has voiced his discomfort and anger in being in America, especially the Californian state, where gay and lesbian couples cannot tie the knot. John himself has been part of a civil living with David Furnish for six years now, becoming proud parent of a son from a surrogate mother just a month back. And thus, it is evident, that albeit late, at age of 63, but he has chosen to speak out for the rights of homosexuals, to live freely.

John says that for USA, homosexuals are like second-class citizens. He thus wants to say that his own native place, England, has a better and friendly attitude towards gays. And taking from there, authorities in America too should accept reality as reality.

John says he feels drained by witnessing so many fights between people and state on the issue of sexuality alone. And for now, he says he wishes to do that anything he can, to help the Californian state repeal its anarchic anti-gay laws!

--Sampurn Wire
