SRK's video tweet debut

29th January 2015

Shah Rukh Khan loves to explore new technology; in fact he is one of the actors in Bollywood who is active on almost all the social networking platforms connecting with his fans and friends.

And his latest one is a video tweet on twitter. Twitter has introduced a new feature on their platform where one can video tweet and post it on their account. SRK has already made his debut on it.

The actor tweeted, a 30 seconds video greeting his fans, talking about this new feature and asking his followers to stay tune to it, as he will start sharing some candid moments from his workplace soon.

He said, "Hi everybody. I think this is really cool that now I can video you guys, talk to you on video on Twitter for 30 seconds. So I am gonna send you some videos or shots from where I am working or when I am rehearsing or otherwise. See you guys soon. I think this is really cool. B-bye."

To watch the video click here. 

Tags: Shah Rukh Khan,