Taylor Swift: I won't dance in my bra

15th February 2012

Taylor Swift will not be caught dead "dancing in her bra".

The 22-year-old country singer stars in upcoming family film The Lorax and maintains that she wants to be a role model to her younger fans.

In an interview with the Today show, Taylor appeared to cast aspersions against her showbiz counterparts who wear next to nothing on stage.

"I'm never going to have the moment where I'm like, I'm a woman now guys, I'm only going to write dark songs and I'm going to dance in my bra all the time,'" she told the news show. "That's not really me.

"I hope things will gradually evolve into growing up as people naturally grow up.

She added that she is enjoying getting older and spreading her wings as a woman.

"Twenty-one and 22 have been great as far as loving to live alone and the independence and travelling the world," Taylor said.

"I'm kind of in this adventurous phase right now where I'll go out by myself and see where the day takes me."

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