Timberlake laughed at Diaz sex scenes

6th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Justin Timberlake insists filming sex scenes with ex-girlfriend Cameron Diaz wasn't awkward.

The musician-and-actor is currently promoting his new movie Bad Teacher, in which he plays the gorgeous blonde's love interest. He explained the former couple tried to see the funny side of shooting intimate moments together.

Justin and Cameron dated for over four years until they split in 2008, but have remained friendly ever since.

"I didn't look at it like that," Justin told Access Hollywood, when asked if shooting the intimate scenes was difficult. "We obviously know each other, but I looked at it as a really funny, funny scene that I've never seen done before."

The pop star, who took a break from recording albums to focus on his acting career, also reassured fans that he hasn't abandoned his musical work altogether.

The 30-year-old likes to focus on one thing at a time rather than spreading himself too thinly.

"I have this thing about not putting two things on my plate at the same time," he said. "I never stopped doing music - I just started doing other things that were inspiring to me ever since I was a kid. And to have this opportunity, I'd be silly to pass it up." (C) Cover Media
