What Makes Robert Pattinson So Irresistibly Alluring?

11th November 2010


November 11, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): 'Twilight' actor and Kristen Stewarts supposed boyfriend Robert Pattinson is one of the sexiest men in the world and has millions of devotees in every part of the planet. From all all corners of the world, Robert is hailed as the most handsome creature on the prowl.

Even as gals swoon over his murderous charms, we take a look as to what makes him so irresistibly tempting:

Firstly, Robert has, no doubt, got the killer looks. With a tall, lean frame, broad shoulders, peppy hair (in trademark unkempt style) and those sharp eyes, he is a delight amongst the females. His face is Grecian, almost divine and the pale whitishness (that we see in the 'Twilight' films) only goes on to accentuate his beauty.

Secondly, he is laidback and nonchalant and has carved out his own style and panache. Be it his untidy manes or his sideburns or his stubble, he dares to be different and thereby gets the reward for that.

Also, the fact that he portrays a vulnerable vampire (who is blood-thirsty yet refuses to drink his lovers blood) makes him a very amiable person (on-screen). And since, the fans look at him like they look at Edward Cullen, there is a very thin line between his on-screen and off-screen avatar which is blurring day by day.

Add to all this, his gentlemanly and grounded nature and what we get is a chocolate next-door boy with a heart of gold and a face of one Greek God.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart,