Will Smith: I joke with mom

13th May 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Will Smith joked about getting a special effects guru to "whip up" a new leg for his mother as she went in for an amputation.

The actor prides himself on having a strong relationship with his mom Caroline. He has always enjoyed cracking jokes around her, even though occasionally other people find them inappropriate.

"My mom lost her leg to diabetes. As she was going in, I said to the doctor, Hey, listen, I know she's going to lose her leg, but I know a guy called Rick Baker [Hollywood special effects make-up artist] and he can whip something up...' The doctor was looking at me like, Huh? This is your mother!' But it made her laugh," he told British newspaper The Sunday Times. "That's always been our relationship - no matter what it is, I can make my mom laugh. That was part of who I wanted to be."

Will had a hard upbringing his grandmother used to work night shifts at a hospital. Seeing her head out at midnight made him realise he wanted the women around him to be respected and not have to work so hard.

He now has his own family and is proud of the way he and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith are raising their kids Jaden, 13, and Willow, 11. Both have already started their careers, with Jaden an actor and Willow in music.

Will and Jada encourage their kids to make their own choices, so if Willow wants to cut her hair she famously sports a shaved head at the moment she can. The couple insist becoming famous in their own right won't adversely affect their children.

"It's not so tricky. Show business is far safer than where Jada and I were raised. I grew up in inner-city Philadelphia, and on a summer afternoon I saw a guy take nine shots from an automatic weapon while we were playing on the basketball courts. That was tricky for my parents," Will said. (C) Cover Media
