Alex Stebbins Says Lady Gaga Stole Her Man Luc Carl!

10th November 2010


November 10, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Pop star Lady Gaga is a happy woman these days as she has got back her man from the clutch of another woman. However, the another woman, 21-year-old actress Alex Stebbins is not at all sitting silent as she said that Gaga has stolen her man Luc Carl, who is a bartender and drummer.

Lady Gaga and Luc broke up almost a year ago and since then he had been dating Stebbins and they seemed to be in a perfect relationship. Everything was perfect until Lady Gaga noticed that her man was dating some other girl. During this June, she became desperate to get back her man and it was not quite tough for her considering her present status in the industry. She turned crazy about Luc and started calling and sending him text messages desperately.

Alex was quoted saying that its quite tough to date a man, whose ex is really a very famous woman and can do anything to get back him. Alex remained silent for few days to stay away from any kind of cat fight but she has opened her mouth now. She said that there is no doubt that Lady Gaga is the most powerful woman in the world so she did not want to compete or fight with her.

The heartbroken Stebbins said that Luc took her to Vegas for her birthday and they had a great time but everything changed when they came back. She said that Luc admitted that Gaga visited him to their flat in Brooklyn and begged him to return to her and it was like a punch on her face.

Well, Stebbins, there is no use of digging out the things now because you have already admitted you cant compete her! Moreover, Luc had gone back to her willingly so you cant claim also that Gaga has stolen him from you!

--Sampurn Wire


