Billie Joe Armstrong: Performing naked is scary

20th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Billie Joe Armstrong says performing in the nude is like living out your wildest nightmare.

The Green Day rocker has played shows naked on numerous occasions. He stripped off when the American band played the iconic New York venue Madison Square Garden, and was arrested for flashing his flesh in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Billie has also played shows dressed in womens clothing, explaining its all about giving the fans something different. He doesnt know if hed ever go to such extremes again though, revealing it is embarrassing to be exposed in front of so many people.

A dress is much more comfortable. Who doesnt love a man in a dress? Playing naked is like living out your wildest nightmare, he said.

Green Day comprising Billie, Mike Dirnt and Tr Cool pride themselves on their live shows. They love taking to the stage and engaging with fans, and say its always been their favourite part of their job.

The group think their performances are so strong because of their humble beginnings, when they played to audiences who didnt know them.

At the beginning we played, like, 64 shows in three months, most of them in Germany. We couldnt go up there and tell the usual jokes because theyd just be a bunch of Germans looking at each other going, I dont know what he is saying, Billie told Q. We had to figure out other ways to get people excited. (C) Cover Media
