Bobby Brown pursued for interview

9th March 2012

Bobby Brown is reportedly being vigorously pursued "for a sit-down" interview following the death of Whitney Houston.

The Huffington Post reported in recent weeks that Bobby is looking to cash in on the late singer's death because he needs the money.

Bobby apparently had a book ready for release in 2008, but since there was limited interest at the time for such a tome, the tell-all was never published.

Bobby is thought to be looking for another publisher and pursuing other broadcasting opportunities.

"ABC [television network] is very actively trying to get Bobby Brown for a sit-down [interview]," a source at the broadcasting conglomerate told E! Online. "It would probably be with Robin [Roberts] or Barbara [Walters]."

Bobby would potentially make a few thousand dollars from a TV interview, but publication of his manuscript would be way more profitable.

"I'm sure he would be paid something similar to licensing fees, or something like that [for a TV interview]," the network insider continued. "But he stands to make far more money with a book deal, six or seven figures, I'd imagine."

Bobby is being surveyed by a group of people eager to hear him speak about Whitney's death.

"A team is keeping tabs on [Brown]," the source revealed. "Despite the money, the real get is the TV interview, it's not the book. Remember, people who love Whitney hate Bobby Brown. They're not going to buy his book. But, they'll watch him on TV."

Whitney passed away on February 11 aged 48 in the bathroom of the Beverly Hilton hotel.

Tags: Whitney Houston,