Boyz II Men proud of adult sound

25th October 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Boyz II Men say their latest music offering allows people to see their "maturity".

The American vocal group comprising of members Nathan Morris, Wanya Morris and Shawn Stockman - burst onto the music scene 20 years ago with their debut album, Cooleyhighharmony.

They are set to release a new record this year, aptly titled Twenty. It is a mix of eight old-school classic hits, including End of the Road, as well as 12 brand new tracks.

Wanya is eager to show fans what they've been working on.

"Twenty is our latest effort," he explained in an interview with MTV News.

"It consists of the span of 20 years of our career. It's been seven years since we did an album with our own music; it felt like it was time to put our efforts and our maturity and all of the things we gained through the 20 years on this album. We're trying our best to transcend time, but at the same time maintain our integrity and allow people to see the maturity as well."

Nathan insists their music hasn't strayed far from the smooth sounds that made them a hit.

The 40-year-old singer says the theme of love still runs true throughout their songs.

"Music is who we are. Our concepts may be different; obviously, it's 20 years later, [and] we've grown. But the music itself is the constant," he said.

"It's the only thing that has really kept us here for 20 years. The concept of music is still the same, but what we write about and what we think about nowadays is a little different. We're a little older, but the main objective is still all about love."

Boyz II Men also feature on Beyonc Knowles' newest track Countdown and appear on Justin Bieber's Christmas album, Under the Mistletoe. (C) Cover Media
