Brad Pitt: Angelina is still a bad girl

6th February 2012

Angelina Jolie's "bad girl" side is not for "public consumption", says Brad Pitt.

The stunning actress declared her naughty attitude was still very much alive in a frank interview with 60 Minutes at the end of last year. Angelina claimed that despite her humanitarian efforts and her role as mother to a brood of six, she still possessed the wild qualities she was famed for in her youth.

Now, in a recent interview Brad has confirmed that his wife still has a dark side.

"She's still a bad girl," he smiled during an interview on CBS This Morning. "Delightfully so. It's not for public consumption."

Brad also spoke about the couple's lifestyle with Maddox, 10, Pax, 8, Zahara, 7, Shiloh, 5, and three-year-old twins Knox and Vivienne in tow.

The actor revealed that the children are becoming quite accustomed to travelling around the globe.

"They're quite used to a bit of jetlag and moving to a new location, as long as we're together," he explained.

"So the home's always intact. They've got to pack their own bags, and they're responsible if they leave their chargers behind, and so on and so forth."

Brad is proud of his family. The star believes his brood has added another dimension to his glittering Hollywood film career.

"Family has added everything to it. In a strange way, if I look at the work, the work has gotten better because I worry less about it - I mean it's not as important as family. Family becomes the nucleus, the source of joy and the source of worry. And it takes any pressure of self-absorption you've - we can have in our business, and it just evaporates. So it makes it freer," he gushed.

Tags: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie,