Britney Spears: All Set For A Cause

21st January 2011

January 21, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): There is finally hope for all women out there who want to look like Britney Spears. The buzz is doing the rounds that Spears is giving an opportunity for all her fans to own the gown that she wore for a commercial for her perfume Radiance. This initiative is taken by Spears, so that she can generate funds for her friends ailing son.

Spear is keen to auction the silver dress that she wore for the commercial and the promotional campaigns for Spears wishes to raise funds for The Matthew Van Daff Special Needs Trust. Spears assistant posted a message on Britneys Facebook account which read that Spears intends to auction the backless dress that she wore for the promotional campaign for Radiance to raise funds for close friend Davids son. Davids son was detected with a brain injury due to a very low supply of oxygen during the initial days of pregnancy.

The trust is formed in order to help the two year old child Mathew and his parents from providing him with the necessary medical aid. Mathew suffers from quadriplegic cerebral palsy, chronic lung disease and seizure and he requires medical supervision almost 24 hours in a day.

The auction is for a noble cause for someone in desperate need and anyone who wins the auction will receive a certificate of authenticity. Currently the bidding for the silver dress stands at $7,300 and the auction will be on till January 29. So just try your luck .

--Sampurn Wire
