Britney Spears Unwraps Official Artwork Of Her Next Release

7th January 2011

January 7, 2011 (Sampurn Wire): Britney Spears is all excited to release the official artwork of her next single Hold it against me, which will be released January 11. It shows off Britney in her stunning form and gives a detail of her next release.

The cover of it shows a close-up shot of the 29 year old American artist. You can also watch a demo of the much waited song that pops up on the web. It will give you an idea about the upcoming release. This is an infectious track ready for the clubs.

The demo got leaked on the net and Britney wanted to hear the reactions of fans. She tweeted on her Twitter page saying that if they find it good then they will have to wait till next Tuesday to get the full version.

Ryan Seacrest is the lucky man, who got the opportunity to listen the final studio version of her latest venture. He added to the excitement level of the fans by posting that the demo even doesnt compare! He added that Britney has been practicing choreography for the video for more than a month and will complete shooting in only two weeks.

We hope the craze around the single, intensifies when it releases next week!

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Britney Spears,