Brooke Mueller: No deal offered in cocaine case

13th December 2011

Brooke Mueller will not be getting off lightly in her cocaine possession charge because no deal has been reached.

The mother-of-two was arrested for assault and having the drug on her person following a brawl she was allegedly part of in a nightclub in Aspen on December 2.

Chief Deputy District Attorney Arnold Mordkin has told RadarOnline that it is unlikely a plea deal will be met before her hearing on December 19.

"There is no deal on the table in the case at this time, and there won't be one prior to Ms. Mueller's arraignment on Monday," Arnold said. "Nor will there be announced at the arraignment."

"Ms. Mueller is supposed to be here. She can enter a plea on Monday, or her attorney can continue the matter."

Brooke's representative, Steve Honig, said yesterday that the former actress and ex-wife of Charlie Sheen had decided to seek outpatient rehab so she can still maintain a relationship with her two-year-old twin boys Bob and Max while she seeks help for her substance abuse issues.

She will be participate in the program during the day and will be under expert supervision 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even when she is not at the facility and will retain custody of her children.

Brooke has reportedly battled an addition to crack cocaine for more than 10 years and this will be the fifth time she will have outpatient treatment.

But sources have told the site that Brooke's family does not believe her latest efforts to get help.

"Brooke's parents are not going to do an intervention because they've basically washed their hands of her," a source close to her family said.

"They've given her as much help/money/rehab as they can and they're not going to do it anymore. They're going to support her in this effort, but they're not going to try and force her to do anything more."
