Charlize Theron: Life is fantastic

2nd June 2012

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Charlize Theron is buoyant about life at the moment.

The stunning actress' career is booming as her new Hollywood blockbusters Snow White and the Huntsman and Prometheus are both to be released within the week.

Charlize also adopted her bundle of joy baby son Jackson a few months ago.

The star is jubilant over all of the wonderful events taking place in her world right now.

"I would be selfish if I couldn't acknowledge that this has been a really great year," Charlize told ET Online. "I feel like I'm kind of floating on a giant cloud. There's room for everybody. Come and join me!"

Motherhood has really elevated Charlize's existence.

"It's strangely everything that you've hoped for and it feels so right," she explained to E! News a few weeks ago. "I don't know how else to say it. It's an overwhelming sensation of love. There's almost a moment where I feel like I can't remember anything prior to [my son Jackson]." (C) Cover Media
