Cher calm about Chazs sex change

12th November 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Cher says her child is very comfortable since undergoing a female-to-male sex change.

Chaz, 41, was born Chastity Bono, the daughter of musical icon Cher and her former husband Sonny Bono, but has undergone gender reassignment to become a man. Chaz began the process in 2009, and he legally changed his name and gender earlier this year.

The singer-and-actress says her child didnt feel happy living as a woman and is so much more at ease now.

"She was a lesbian - she still is - but it's not the same now. She has a beautiful girlfriend. But it's not the same thing as being a homosexual, you feel as if you're in the wrong body, Cher told talk show host David Letterman. I was saying to someone the other day, 'I really like being a woman, I feel so comfortable in my body, and if I woke up and I was in a man's body, I'd think, 'Oh my God, I've got to get out of here.

"And that's the way Chaz felt, it was never comfortable - he's very comfortable now."

Cher says it took Chaz some time to go ahead and start the process. However, once Chaz had made up his mind, the 64-year-old star insists she gave support every step of the way.

"It kept nagging, and nagging, and one day he said to me, 'I think I really have to do this,'" Cher explained. "The day that we talked about it, really talked about it seriously, I said, 'If you have to do this you just have to do it.' I wasn't always able to be quite as calm through the process, but that day I was so calm, and just thought, 'This is what has to happen.' (C) Cover Media
