Chris Noth: SATC became circus

28th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Chris Noth misses the days when Sex and the City wasn't a "circus of attention".

The actor appeared in the hit American television series as well as the subsequent two movies. His character is Mr. Big, the partner of Carrie Bradshaw, portrayed by Sarah Jessica Parker.

The second big screen outing was released last year and was blasted by critics. Chris isn't sure whether another one will be made, and won't be that upset if he has to put his character to bed. He finds the show's success hard to handle and longs for the days when it wasn't so renowned.

"Well, it's not really in my hands, but from what I can tell, I don't see it happening. But what do I know? I'm always pleasantly surprised if they do one, and I'm not disappointed if they don't," he replied, when asked if there will be a third picture.

"I miss the early days before it became sort of a circus of attention, when it hadn't become this iconic thing. It was just really good writing and entertainment, and then it became something else that I still don't really get."

When the second film was being shot, pictures were released of Kim Cattrall, who is Samantha Jones in the franchise, in a wedding gown. It turned out she'd worn it to put people off the true scent of storylines, the necessity of which Chris finds amazing.

"It actually got to the point with the movies that we had to make up plotlines so that people wouldn't know what we were doing and expose it and it be all over the papers. That was pretty crazy. You used to be able to go under the radar and have fun," he told Parade.

Playing Mr. Big has made Chris instantly recognisable. He also stars in TV show The Good Wife, playing love cheat politician Peter Florrick. He isn't sure he'll return to the programme after season three, adding being in such popular shows hasn't affected him as much as people might think.

"[I can't fly under the radar] as much, but I don't care. I still take the subway, I just sort of put blinders on. I've lived in New York City so long that I resent having to worry about it. I guess I could wear a hat more often, but I don't like them!" he laughed. (C) Cover Media
