Guillermo del Toro: Pacific Rim will be huge

28th June 2011

(Cover) - EN Movies - Guillermo del Toro is proud of the "enormous scale" of Pacific Rim, due out in 2013.

The director is looking forward to getting started on the monster movie, which is slated for release on July 12 2013. It's about a huge other-worldly creature which climbs out of the ocean and is hellbent on destroying cities, meaning soldiers must fight back.

Although it's not out for a while, Guillermo insists the release will be worth the wait.

"This is my most un-modest film, this has everything," he told Shock Till You Drop. "The scale is enormous and I'm just a big kid having fun."

The director is currently promoting Don't Be Afraid of the Dark, which he produced, and when those duties are over he'll be working on pre-production of Pacific Rim.

He also discusses rumours about a third Hellboy movie. While he'd like to be involved, Guillermo isn't sure about the logistics.

"By the time I get to it and by the time we got Ron [Perlman] back, he'll be a Hellman and in a wheelchair," he told the site. (C) Cover Media
