Edward-Bella Die A Bloody Death In Breaking Dawn

30th December 2010

December 30, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): For people, eagerly waiting for the release of the next film in the Twilight Saga, here is a spoiler. The lead characters Edward Cullen and Bella Swan die by the end of the second part of the upcoming film Breaking Dawn. According to reports in the media, a source from the movies sets has claimed that she had access to the script of Breaking Dawn and it was there that she came across this fact. In a statement released by the source, she confirms reports of a battle taking place between the Cullens and the Volturis, which eventually takes away the life of our favorite characters Edward and Bella!

Now did this piece of news dampen all your interests to catch the movie at your nearest theater? Read on then. According to the script of Breaking Dawn and the book by Stephenie Meyer, the battle between the Cullens and the Volturis, which supposedly takes away the life of not only Edward and Bella but also other important characters, is only a vision of Alice which she narrates to Aro. Therefore, Edward and Bella die only in dreams, not in reality!

The only difference between the book and the films script, which also makes our movie watching experience more enjoyable, is the fact that which the fight scenes are enacted in the film, they come in only a conversation form in the Stephenie Meyer novel. The first part of Breaking Dawn hits theaters next year.

--Sampurn Wire

Tags: Kristen Stewart,