Enrique Iglesias �naked water skiing� video released

5th August 2010

(Cover) - -No story type selected- - Enrique Iglesias has carried out his vow to water ski naked if Spain won the FIFA World Cup, it has been claimed.

In June, the devoted soccer fan revealed he had been following his country�s progress in the tournament which was held in South Africa. The singer felt so passionate about the sport, he said he would be willing to strip off and take to the water in Florida if Spain were crowned world champions. Spain went on to beat Holland in the finals, much to Enrique�s delight.

Grainy footage has now appeared on gossip website TMZ and it claims to have captured the sexy star riding the waves naked off the coast of Miami.

The site reports those close to Enrique say he completed his bet a few days ago.

�He did it at the end of July,� one source said. �A bet is a bet.�

A representative for the 35-year-old has refused to confirm if Enrique did water ski naked, but has revealed the star was in the area at the time he is believed to have carried out his bet.

�We do not manage Enrique�s personal time schedule but we do know he was in Miami the last week of July,� the spokesperson told TMZ. (C) Cover Media
