Evan Rachel Wood follows conspiracies

19th August 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Evan Rachel Wood is an avid fan of history and knows a lot about "conspiracy theories".

Evan was exposed to conspiracy theories at an early age. She is particularly knowledgeable about the assassination of one of America's most esteemed presidents, Abraham Lincoln. Playing character Mary Surratt in 2010 film The Conspirator, the first woman ever executed in America in connection with President Lincoln's death, was particularly memorable for the actress.

"I learned a lot [playing Mary Surratt]. I grew up kind of learning about conspiracy theories. My dad is really into them and writes books about them," Evan explained to MTV News, "so it was amazing to me to learn about the Surratt family, and especially Mary's character, because it's a big deal in history that she was the first woman ever executed."

What is most intriguing to Evan is the lack of knowledge that most Americans have of this particular case. She believes that it is worthy of discussion.

"I think it's interesting that nobody ever talks about that or even knows about [Mary Surratt's case], the trial surrounding her execution, which some people really think was not justified and unlawful, and so I found that pretty fascinating," Evan said.

Evan believes that discussing history is incredibly important. In her opinion knowledge of historical events is paramount in defining present day culture.

"I think it's important that we remember certain things like this that are a part of our history, so that we can learn from this, and not pretend like it didn't happen," Evan said. (C) Cover Media
