Gavin Rossdale: How I stay grounded

2nd November 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Gavin Rossdale stays grounded by playing shows to thousands, then coming off stage and getting his children juice.

The Bush frontman has Kingston, five, and three-year-old Zuma with his wife Gwen Stefani.

The rock band recently reunited and have been performing a series of shows. Gavin loves having his family on the road with him, not least because they remind him about what is important in his life.

"I just had them on the road for a couple of week which is chaos but really brilliant. You know, you've played to 10,000 people and then you just come off stage and you have to go and get juice. It's a real good balance to keep you on the ground," he laughed.

Kingston and Zuma recently had a play date with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's kids, but Gavin insists their lives aren't always so starry. They have friends whose parents do regular jobs too, and the singer is determined for them to grow up as normally as possible.

The only thing which can get in the way is the paparazzi, which Gavin wishes wouldn't follow him when he's with his children.

"I don't really like it too much when you go to a park [and photographers follow you] but you have that choice of you can either lock yourself away behind a gate and the kids don't see the real world every kid has to go to the park. So we go and do that," he explained to UK TV show Lorraine. "I try to hang back, I feel like Samson getting his hair cut every time those guys shoot away.

"There would be nothing worse than to be in this position and complain [though], plus my mom loves the pictures."

Gavin had no idea people would still be interested in Bush when he and his bandmates Robin Goodridge, Chris Traynor and Corey Britz decided to stage a comeback. He's been thrilled with the reception they've received.

"In a world where things fall apart, love fades, couples separate and bands fall apart, when you do it the other way people really respond really well. It gives them faith that things can be good," he said. (C) Cover Media
