Georgia May Jagger: Big hips are sexy

18th October 2010

(Cover) - EN Star Style - Georgia May Jagger says the modelling work she does needs a butt.

The gorgeous 18-year-old is one of the industrys most exciting faces, having graced the cover of Vogue magazine as well as fronting campaigns for cosmetics brand Rimmel and fashion house Versace.

She also appears in a series of raunchy shots for the Hudson Jeans Autumn/Winter 10 collection, her fourth campaign for the label.

Georgia says she has no plans to follow the trend for size zero models favoured by some prestigious designer labels though, as she thinks posing in denim requires a curvaceous frame.

I model jeans. You need a butt for those," she told the US edition of Harper's Bazaar.

The beautiful star is the daughter of British Rolling Stones rocker Sir Mick Jagger and American model-and-actress Jerry Hall. She says she takes after her shapely mother Jerry, whereas her 26-year-old sister Elizabeth who also models has a more athletic frame like their father. Georgia appreciates voluptuous women, and wishes the industry today was more like it was in the 70s when Jerry was enjoying her heyday.

"When Mum was first modelling, it was all about that Thierry Mugler woman with the tiny waist and the giant a*s. They used to pad their hips. I think it's much sexier. Lizzy [Jagger, her sister] and my dad are naturally skinny, she explained. (C) Cover Media
