Gwyneth Paltrow: Well Maintained Despite All The Fries

15th December 2010

December 15, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Hollywood star Gwyneth Paltrow has confessed that she is a great lover of fries. This big confession by the star came while in a chat session at the popular American television show 'Conan'.

Gwyneth Paltrow who is the mother of two looks simply stunning and going by her frame it would be hard to imagine that she was such a great foodie. Her real confessions on the show said it all that she often had fried zucchini-fish fingers, fried chicken and even French fries. Reportedly the star confessed that she could even have a cockroach if it was battered and fried!

The star was honored with a star in the Hollywood walk of fame on Monday in Hollywood and she was the epitome of high fashion and extremely well maintained frame. The star has a well maintained body despite gorging on all those fries which are a complete no- no for all diet watchers.

However, to imagine that a star who boasts of such an amazing physically fit hot bod just loves to gorge on fries is something quite unimaginable. The fact that fries have always been considered to be the worst enemy in getting a perfectly sculpted body certainly would seem to be quite a myth if a well maintained star like Gwyneth Paltrow says that she has all kinds of fries along with her two kids.

Well, seems like some women are just pure lucky and can have whatever their own sweet wish is to have. The top confession however was that the star just did not have a sweet tooth- heard that girlies?

-- Niky Sharma / Sampurn Wire

Tags: Gwyneth Paltrow,