Hiccup Girl Convicted In Florida Murder

27th October 2010

October 27, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Jennifer Mee, popularly known as the hiccup girl of Florida, because of the record she created back in the year 2007 by hiccuping more than 50 times per minute, has been accused of murdering a 22-year-old man. According to reports from the Florida police officials, Jennifer Mee, 19, is responsible for the death of the 22-year-old Shannon Griffin.

The incident which took place at St. Petersburg, also involved two male accomplices of the hiccup girl. Police officials at the scene of crime reported that Jennifer Mee was aided by Laron C. Raiford and Lamont Newton, both in their twenties, in her crime. According to St. Petersburg police records, the two men and the hiccup girl coaxed the victim Shannon Griffin to follow them into a house in St. Petersburg where he met with his end. The police claim that Jennifer Mee and her accomplice tried to rob the man named Shannon Griffin. However, when the 22-year-old offered resistance, he was held at gunpoint, and was fired at four times before he finally dropped dead.

Police reports do not mention the name of the person who pulled the trigger of the gun. All three people are now behind bars and are unlikely to come out on bail for some time now.

Jennifer Mee had become famous overnight after she became known as the hiccup girl in Florida. But her mother, who has spoken out in her defense in a radio interview, says that some very unusual traits in Jennifer Mees character became prominent once the hiccups stopped and she started behaving in a strange manner!

--Sampurn Wire

