I Am Not At Fault: Lindsay Lohan

22nd December 2010

December 22, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Hollywood starlet Lindsay Lohan says that she is not at fault for the incident which recently took place at the Betty Ford Clinic in California where the actress is spending her days seeking treatment for drug and alcohol abuse. According to reports in the media, Lindsay Lohan has been accused of physically harming her staffer at the rehabilitation center. However, the actress has come to the forefront saying that it was not she but her staffer who is at fault in the incident. LiLo says that she was pushed so hard by her staffer that the pain brought tears to her eyes.

The staffer named Holland had earlier claimed that Lindsay Lohan had assaulted her and had caused her arm to sprain. The incident reportedly occurred at the time when Holland was coaxing LiLo to take the breathalyzer that is part of her medication. It seems that Lindsay Lohan refused to take the medicine and caused her staffer physical harm when she forced her to use the breathalyzer.

LiLo however has a different story to tell. She is of the opinion that she was not even in the room where the incident occurred! In fact she was taken unawares when Holland gave her a violent push which made her cry and it then that she decided to call up 911. Well, nothing can be confirmed before the proper authorities step into the matter. But Lindsay Lohan is hell-bent upon proving her innocence and has also asked authorities to check the surveillance cameras inside the Betty Ford Clinic to decipher the truth for themselves.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Lindsay Lohan,