Introducing - The Don 2 One Liners!

21st October 2011

This is the first in a series of a complete 360 0 marketing idea for the promotion of DON 2. These ideas are coming straight from the makers of films such as of DCH, ZNMD, ROCK ON, Don etc - by none other than Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar, who have always marketed their films creatively.

Ritesh and Farhan have come up with an idea to popularize 'DON SAYS'. 'Don Says' includes a series of 11 witty tongue in cheek quotes by the Don himself, which will be released every Friday starting from 14th October right till the release of the film which is on 23rd December. These quotes will be simultaneously released across all mediums including television, print, radio, Internet and also on mobile platform and mobile apps. 

The idea is to get the audiences to relate to Don's attitude and mannerism, this concept lays the tracks for all the fans to get familiar with his one-liners and be able to use them as part of their daily verbiage. In the movie Don's character is known for his Sauvé Attitude, Charisma, Style and his witty one-liners. For this campaign similar one-liners have been written by Farhan Akhtar. 

Previously DON as a character, has successfully managed to excite the minds and hearts of the audiences world over. The flawless execution of every action and words made by DON has gotten the audience to be in awe and curious for the mystery that surrounds him. 

Commenting on this Farhan Akhtar adds, " 'Don Says' is a re-introduction for the audience to Don's philosophy of life and his opinion on people who are either with him or against him.”

Commenting on this, Ritesh Sidhwani says, “Don’s character is known for his style, personality and attitude and with 'Don Says' we are just reiterating the same. Even in the earlier DON (released in 2006) there were a few dialogues, which DON uses that became very iconic and are remembered till date. So with 'DON Says' there will be a new quote released every week which are witty and go with DON’s persona".

Farhan further adds, " 'Don Says' is a fun way to get audiences back into the Don frame of mind and enjoy his wit and sharp repartee before they can watch the film".

Tags: Ritesh Sidhwani, Farhan Akhtar, Shah Rukh Khan, Don 2,