Is Lady GaGa The Present Day Saint Francis Of Assisi?

7th December 2010


December 7, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Lady GaGa who has already been immortalized in wax at the Madame Tussauds museums all over the world has another statue to her name. This time, American sculptor Daniel Edwards has made a statue of the rising pop singer drenched in black oil collected from the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. According to reports, this statue shows Lady GaGa in the likeness of Saint Francis of Assisi. Though the US singer is chiefly known for her strange sense of style, the Daniel Edwards sculpture is reportedly a nude version of Lady GaGa.

The nude statue of Lady GaGa stands above the BP logo carrying two frogs and two octopuses on each shoulder and a fighting pelican perched above the statues head. The US singer has often been compared to Saint Francis of Assissi because like the Saint, Lady GaGa too, has a liking for flamboyant clothes. Reports in the media claim that the new Lady GaGa statue will go on exhibition from the 15th of this month at the IAO Gallery in the city of Oklahoma. Daniel Edwards has also revealed in a statement to the media that after the initial round of displays, the Lady GaGa oil-drenched figurette will be handed over to the BP authorities in London.

As Lady GaGa shows a meteoric rise in her career in music, the country too is constantly looking for ways to reward the singers achievements. The Daniel Edwards sculpture is the latest among them.

--Sampurn Wire

