Jack Black proud of judo skills

26th March 2012

Jack Black likes to show off his judo moves when he performs on stage with his band.

The Tenacious D singer transfers what he has learnt at martial arts classes to his rock shows. The star describes "the tiger roll" as one of his favourite stage tricks.

"Oh yeah, I have a mini tiger roll," he told UK magazine Q.

"I learned that move back in my judo class days; it's a dive and then you go into a spinning somersault. There was a time where I felt that the show wasn't complete without a mini tiger roll. It's pretty powerful."

The actor also addressed his demands as a big star, insisting he is easy to please. Jack and his bandmate Kyle Gass keep their demands to a minimum.

"Do you know what I've always wanted? When I'm really dry, a bathtub full of moisturiser," he joked. "But we're very low maintenance."

The pair are releasing their latest album Rize of the Fenix in May, six years after their second record The Pick of Destiny.

"It takes a while to write a masterpiece," the pair explained of the hiatus.

Tags: Jack Black,