James Cameron Wishes People To Explore Mars

19th August 2010

August 19, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): The acclaimed filmmaker, James Cameron, is busy working in collaboration with NASA to build a 3D camera for adventures on Mars.

The Hollywood filmmaker has plans to start a 3D remake of his own Titanic movie next to the success of his big-budgeted cinematic venture, Avatar. However, James Cameron wants people to make a trip to the Red Planet. On the one hand, the director is enthusiastic enough to send common people on a journey to Mars, and on the other, he is disappointed to see ordinary people's disinterest in exploring the earth's neighboring planet.

According to the veteran director, space exploration should be encouraged more and funding wars is absolutely unnecessary. In a statement to the media, Cameron rues that fact that people are no longer enthusiastic about discovering new things. He added that his sole purpose of making such sci-fi movies as Aliens, Terminator, and Avatar, is to boost people's interest in exploration. He said that it is pointless to spend on futile wars in the Middle East to fuel the nation's oil addiction. His wish to send people to Mars is alone not enough. The national will and budget also matter to the actualization of such projects.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: James Cameron, Titanic, Avatar,