James Franco does not smoke pot

11th September 2010

September 11, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): If you have watched all of the recent James Franco movies, especially the ones like Pineapple Express, Date Night (Cameo), you will be forced to think that the sexy actor is a pot addict.

In a recent interview, James Franco said that everyone thinks that he is a 'stoner' and 'gay' because he has played so many 'gay' roles onscreen. Franco told the reporters that a general idea has developed that he is gay because people see him perform these roles with such authenticity. The actor also said that he is definitely not gay and enjoys being in heterosexual relationships just like any other hot-blooded male of his age. He further clarified that he is not a 'stoner' as he is particularly averse to the idea of smoking pot.

Franco said that he understands that some of his colleagues choose to keep their sexuality in the closet but he is not in favor of hiding his sexuality for the sake of his career. When he was questioned about his liking for homosexual love stories, Franco replied that he likes to explore challenging roles as they help him bloom as an actor. The actor maintains that the traditional man-meets-woman love stories have become too dull and predictable for his taste.

James has a meaty role in the Julia Roberts Starrer Eat Pray Love, and he will also play the role of Ginsberg in Howl.

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Julia Roberts, James Franco, Pineapple Express, Date Night,