James Franco: I was Twitter addict

6th August 2011

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - James Franco admits he was a Twitter "addict".

The 33-year-old actor once found it impossible to not constantly use the social media website. While promoting his new film Rise of the Planet of the Apes on daytime American television show The View, James went into detail about his dependence on using the website, or "Tweeting".

"I was addicted to Tweeting," James confessed to presenters. "I never Tweeted words. I always did, like, images and videos."

James found the website so irresistible that he took to Tweeting in odd places. He even inclined himself to jump on Twitter while in attendance at one of the most important award shows in the entertainment industry.

"I did [Tweet at the Oscars], which was for me, a way of showing another story of the Oscars," said James. "A little controversy some people didn't like that, but for me it was interesting and had never been done before. I wanted to give a perspective of the other side."

When not offering a balanced perspective, James succumbed to Tweeting out of pure compulsion. He always wanted to be involved in a reciprocal conversation.

"I always think, Oh, I want them to respond more,' " he added. "And you think, How can I amp this up with the Tweets?' So, I was getting into trouble. I was getting into dangerous areas."

James' new film Rise of the Planet of the Apes is now playing in American theatres. (C) Cover Media
