Jennifer Aniston is just a regular girl'

8th February 2012

Jennifer Aniston has been described as just a normal "down to earth" girl.

The Hollywood star's close pal Chelsea Handler has opened up about her famous friend and says Jennifer doesn't have any airs and graces at all.

The unlikely twosome have become so tight knit now that they are spending major holidays together.

"Jen and Justin [Theroux] came to my house for Thanksgiving with 18 of my staff members," the comedienne told the March issue of Redbook. "And so what?"

The 36-year-old late night talks show host says she is unfazed by having famous friends on her speed dial which also includes Oscar winner Reese Witherspoon.

"I mean, Jennifer Aniston is one of the most down to earth, low-key people I know," Chelsea gushed to the publication. "She's just a regular girl."

"And Reese is the same way. I mean you can't have friendships that aren't based on realness. I'm not going to treat them any differently than I would any other of my friends."

Another A-lister that she has grown close to is Charlize Theron, who had dinner with Jennifer, Justin and Chelsea at the Sunset Tower Hotel in Hollywood last week.

Charlize was also seen carrying a large box of alcohol to Chelsea's home for the Super Bowl over the weekend.

The Chelsea Lately star says she has no problem with being surrounded by strong, powerful women.

"I read this cheesy quote once: Blowing out someone else's candle doesn't make yours glow brighter,'" she recalled.

"We women have to stick together I'm very much about letting other people shine, because it makes us all shine brighter.

"I like having a fraternity. I like girls and boys together, misfits and underdogs I love underdogs."

Tags: Jennifer Aniston,