Jennifer Lawrence: I'm no glam girl

22nd March 2012

Jennifer Lawrence has no interest in being Hollywood's new "glam girl".

The star has landed the role of heroine protagonist Katniss Everdeen in the hotly-anticipated The Hunger Games. The film is based on the best-selling book by Suzanne Collins and has been tipped to knock successful vampire franchise Twilight off its top popularity spot.

However, Jennifer insists rumours she is feuding with Twilight star Kristen Stewart about their respective positions in Hollywood are wide of the mark.

"No," she laughed when asked by if she called anyone from Twilight and asked What am I getting myself into?'

"The only time I've spoken to anyone from Twilight is when I emailed with Kristen Stewart a few days ago because we're in this really giant fight' all over the tabloids - it's not real. We've never met or even spoken to each other, but apparently we're in this gigantic feud because it's my turn to take over as Hollywood's glam girl, and she has to step over as the famous one,' and we've been fighting like cats and dogs.

"But saying yes to the role, there was nobody really I could talk to because it was all kind of personal matters that I had to work out on my own. It was nothing that anybody could tell me, it was all just kind of, Are you ready?' It was kind of personal things that I had to work with on myself."

Despite being catapulted into the limelight of late, Jennifer is still shy when it comes to being the centre of attention. The 21-year-old actress avoids being in the spotlight even when it comes to enjoying some down time.

"I could never do karaoke, but if it were it would be Wind Beneath My Wings," she said of her favourite song to sing.

Tags: Jennifer Lawrence,