Jennifer Lopez: I wont be a diva on Idol

23rd September 2010

(Cover) - EN Showbiz - Jennifer Lopez has promised she wont behave like a diva on American Idol.

The singer-and-actress was unveiled as a new judge on the show yesterday, along with Steven Tyler and original remaining judge Randy Jackson in the upcoming series.

There have been accusations of diva-like behaviour aimed at Jennifer throughout the reports of the negotiations between her and the television network behind the show, FOX. Jennifer isnt worried though, and insists she has become accustomed to the rumours after so many years in showbiz.

"After as many years as I've been in this business, I'm used to that kind of stuff," she explained at an American Idol press conference yesterday. "I'm used to speculation."

The star says she was worried the rumours about her demands would upset her new employees, so she reassured them she would not be bringing any outrageous demands to the table.

"I was calming the FOX people down. I was like, 'Listen, it'll be gone tomorrow. Once they hear who we are and what we're doing, it's going to be fine. Don't worry about it', she revealed.

I was just looking forward to getting started."

The shows executive producer Nigel Lythgoe even teased Jennifer about her supposed high-maintenance persona, telling her he had heard she was fussy about which sugary treats she consumed.

"I said to Jennifer today, we heard that she only likes yellow M&Ms," he laughed. "I'm thinking, 'Who's going to pick them all out for her?'

Nigel went on to explain that his fears were completely unfounded as Jennifer had been baffled at the suggestion. She said, 'No, where did that come from?'" he added.

Jennifers co-host Steven wasnt worried about her demanding antics though, and was simply happy to be working with someone he admires so much.

Now I can move to LA and get a house and have tea with Jennifer!" he gushed. (C) Cover Media
