Jessica Simpson: My sex life is unstoppable

13th March 2012

Jessica Simpson has revealed that she is more in touch with her sexuality now that she is pregnant.

The 31-year-old expectant mother opened up to Ryan Seacrest on his radio show today about the changes she is experiencing.

Jessica is due to give birth to her first child this spring with former NFL pro Eric Johnson, 32, and says their love life has also experienced a boost.

"I am definitely feeling intimate," the Fashion Star mentor said candidly. "I'm kind of unstoppable right now. The Big O is like, the biggest O ever!"

She added that Eric was "always ready" and is enjoying the extra spice in their love life.

Jessica also revealed that her nude cover for the April issue of Elle magazine was just a display of how comfortable she is with her body right now.

"They didn't even ask me to do that," she told Ryan. "It was my idea. It kind of just seemed a natural thing for me to do."

"I'm like 170 pounds and I wanted to pose nude. I try to be like 110 pounds. It's funny to be at your heaviest and feel the most confident. I just take such pride in being a mom! I just love my body more than ever now."

And in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Jessica says she feels like she is in a "fat suit" but still insisted on appearing on the show in "eight inch heels."

"Believe it or not there is only one girl," Jessica laughed dispelling rumours that her extra large bump meant she must be carrying twins.

"But I did get knocked up by a baller. A big football player. That's what I get. He's like 6' 4"."

Tags: Jessica Simpson,