Jim Carrey: Love Doesnt Work For Him!

16th December 2010

December 16, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Love definitely does not work for American actor Jim Carrey. Every member in the audience will swear by the fact that Jim Carrey is best as a comedian, not the guy in love with another guy in his latest movie I Love You Phillip Morris. Well, we do agree with the fact that there is a whole lot of comedy in the film but Jim Carrey looks totally out of place in scenes where he will have to seriously play the guy in love. A critic has gone to the extent of commenting that Jim Carrey is an actor who has strived hard to attract attention by his comic acts, but has failed because he only ends up overacting!

His latest film I Love You Phillip Morris is a homosexual love story, which reports suggest begins with a promising note but falls short of expectations from somewhere in the middle, just like Jim Carrey has worn his days out in Hollywood after putting forth the same acts time and again on the Hollywood screen. The actor plays Steven Russell, the homosexual man who is unhappily married to his wife, until he realizes that he prefers a man instead when he chances upon a certain Phillip Morris when an incident lands him in jail.

Steven Russell can best be described as a ridiculous character. And are critics signing off Jim Carrey in the same way too? If reports are anything to go by, Jim Carrey needs to take a break and chalk out as to what films he wants to be a part of because love is surely not his forte!

-- Sampurn Wire

Tags: Jim Carrey, I Love You Phillip Morris,