Johnny Depp On His Experience Of Working With Al Pacino

9th December 2010


December 9, 2010 (Sampurn Wire): Johnny Depp was spotted at Ed Sullivan Theatre in New York City to promote his upcoming flick 'The Tourist'. In an interview with David Letterman on 'The Late Show with David Letterman' on December 7, Johnny commented about his experiences of working with Al Pacino in 1997 in the film 'Donnie Brasco'. Depp remarked that Al Pacino often repeated the same jokes to make him laugh. Johnny remarked that Al is a great actor though he felt that he was a bit weird.

Johnny added that there was one particular joke that Al would repeat a million times which Depp failed to decipher. Al probably thought that Depp could not understand the joke. When Letterman questioned Depp about whether he finally understood the joke Depp said that he could crack the jokes that have been puzzling him for so long.

Depp tried his best to emulate Als voice as he went on to say that Al would say skeletons went inside a bar and ordered for beer and a mop. Depp added that he would go on with his joke and finally wail.

During the interview, Depp added that his family spends time with him in France, Los Angeles and wherever his shoot takes them. When Letterman asked him whether his kids are fluent in French, Depp replied saying that they were proficient in the language and the kids help him out when he fumbles.

Depp has two kids Lily Rose and Jack with his partner Vanessa Paradis.

--Sampurn Wire


Tags: Johnny Depp, Al Pacino, The Tourist,