Jude Law: Dirty fingernails horrified fans

7th May 2012

Jude Law couldn't believe how disgusted people were when he sported dirty fingernails for a theatre show.

The actor starred in a stage production of Anna Christie in London last year. In order to convince in his role as a beefy shipwrecked Irish stoker, Jude ensured he looked suitably filthy before he appeared on stage. However, his unkempt hands attracted a lot of negative attention.

"I spent ten minutes every day making my nails black. It's amazing the number of people who saw that play and said, Your fingernails were filthy!' It made a real impact because today people have very clean hands," he laughed to the latest issue of UK magazine GQ.

Some stars complain about the amount of time they spend in make-up in order to transform for their roles. However, 39-year-old Jude believes it is crucial to be fully prepared before a performance.

"Going to make-up is an important part of getting into character," he explained. "It goes back to the routine that we all have and I suppose acting is assuming another person's ritual."

Tags: Jude Law,